Saturday, June 23, 2012

Chad and Mariah's Wedding!

My good friends Chad and Mariah *finally* got married! I was so privileged to photograph this celebration. Chad and Mariah are so sweet together and absolutely in love. It was also great to have my good friend, Brittany, help me as a second shooter. All together, we got almost 3,000 pictures. I guess that's what happens when I discover that my camera can go "click, click, click" extremely fast. :-D

If you wish to see their engagement shoot, click here. Otherwise, continue scrolling to see the (way too) many pictures from the day.

Congrats, Chad and Mariah!

Me and my best friend - and second shooter - Brittany :-D


  1. You and Brittany did such a marvelous job!!! We can't thank you enough for the beautiful photos you both took.

  2. Love the pictures!! Y'all did an awesome job!! can't wait to see all of them :)
